一般家庭で古典的餅つき風景を見ることは少なくなったが、自治会や子供会の行事としては今も人気があり、歳末年始の風物詩となっている。 Since early times, Mochi is the holy food for BUdda or God in Japan.
“おもち もちもち つきたてもちっ。 昨日、みんなでついたやわらか〜いおもち。絶品でした。
Thanks everybody for arranging this wonderful rice cake making party, it really gives me a great insight about Japanese culture. What impressed me is not just the delicious rice cake, but also the harmonious in Japanese communities: through various traditional activities, the interaction between neighbors, generations and peers are all facilitated, furthermore, the traditional culture is inherited and spread. I think this is a Japanese treasure which worth the world to admire. fan yang
First of all, I would like to thank you to give me a chance to join the rice cake making party.
I really enjoy this event. The rice cake making party was very fun and everybody was so kind and friendly. I had a chance to make rice cake which I just know how to make it and also tried the rice cake that we made and soup ほんとに美味しいです! Moreover, I met many little girls who want to speak english and play japanese card game. I wish I will have a chance to meet them again and maybe teach them some english. どもありがとうございます。 Thank and best regards, Nattakarn W.